Amsterdam X 2019

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Thank you for joining the
Sharing is Caring X Amsterdam conference!

Check the programme here.

The presentations and recordings are available online!

All info and posts can be found in the category Amsterdam X 2019 and on Twitter under #sharecareX and #sharecare19.


The theme of this edition of Sharing is Caring was FAIR data. How do these FAIR guiding data principles coming from the research community relate to the day to day practice in cultural heritage institutions? And how does this extend the open data principles we hold so dear?

The Rijksmuseum wants to open up this discussion and invites you to join. The program of the day will contain speakers that will elaborate on the different aspects of the FAIR data principles. Lighting talks will show possible future avenues and current applications in the field.

Date: Friday November 22, 2019
Venue: Rijksmuseum Amsterdam

For more information, please contact