The aim of the one-day conference Sharing is Caring X Amsterdam on Friday 22 November 2019 is to exchange ideas and best practices among heritage institutions that have opened up their digital collection content or want to do so in the future.
The main topic will be expanding open collection data, addressing the next challenges for museums in making findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable the full context of collection objects, with a focus on research data.
The programme will include a wide variety of presentations and lightning talks given by national and international experts. The conference is a forum not only for correspondent presentations but first and foremost for discussions and meet up with colleagues.
The conference will take place in the auditorium of the Rijksmuseum located at Museumstraat 1 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
For registration, a call for lightning talks and more information about the conference please visit the Rijksmuseum website. You can also contact us at sharecare@rijksmuseum.nl.
Stay tuned on this site about Sharing is Caring X Amsterdam under the category Amsterdam X 2019.
Stay updated about this and other Sharing is Caring X events at #SharecareX and #Sharecare19