Rockheim is the National Norwegian center for Rock and Pop. It opens physically in april 2010, but it’s already opened virtually. Rockheim’s users are important and they are already participating on a large scale and in new ways. Rockheim and its users are developing a Rockpedia and fans can visit each other at the virtual Museum.
Ivar Håkon Eikje will speak about the museum and how and why the museum works and deals with the public.
Ivar Håkon Eikje – Formidlingsseminar 2010 from Formidlingsnet on Vimeo.
How many categories do you mark you data with?
Genre, year, artist, song name, etc.
How many are need to fulfill the ambition of building the “internet logic inside the museum” – via pervasive feeds from your databases?
On behalf of table 13:
Why create a virtual Rockheim?
Why not use the web for stuff you cant really show in physical space, thus using the web for it’s unique qualities.
The virtual Rockheim seems redundant in relation to the physical?
Is it a pure broadening of potential user groups you pusue?
How do we make sure that the audience have room for social interaction when the ‘soubdscape’ is very dominant?
What’s the connecting link between the physical and the virtual musem (Rockheim) – in other more extreme words: Why is the physical room necessary?
Are learning processes different in the physical museum than on the digital platform? Will this affect the way, we are facilitating learning at the museums?
Bord 7
Hvordan bidrager brugerne til at forme Rockheim museet – udover at kunne levere historier, billeder mv. på nettet
Er der kun individuelle oplevelser på Rockheim? Skal de andre besøgende underordnes min oplevelse?
Forandrer nye formidlingsformer Museet?